Using web 2.0 and guest posts for better ranking
What kind of a sites do we want linking to us? Authority sites. That’s my main criteria when I’m looking for link opportunities.
There are thousands of blogs out there that have been created specifically to sell guest posts to unsuspecting SEO’s & they’re total crap. They have boring content, generic WordPress themes & abysmal back link profiles.
These sites will not help boost your rankings & are a total waste of your money. The main factor I look for when I’m guest posting is whether or not the blog is a real site. Do they have a real audience who are actively engaged in the site? This means I’m looking for comments and Social signals – Is their audience commenting & sharing the content on that blog?

Judging a blogs SEO strength on a metric like page rank or domain authority alone is flawed. These metrics can be artificially inflated with surprisingly little effort. I do use them as a rough guide, but I will ultimately make up my own mind as to whether or not a blog is appropriate.
Disguising Your PBN guest post from Google
We want to minimise out footprint as much as possible, to reduce the chance that Google can determine that we’re using a private blog network?
You’re going to want to add links to 3rd Party Sites in your guest post – leave everything followed, or else it will raise more of a footprint than if your article only contained your link.
Adding relevant links to your post will help disguise your paid link efforts & also indicate to Google that you your site is associated with these authority sites, since your link accompanies them so often.
What Makes a Good Supporting Link?
It’s imperative that you add other links to you guest posts. These extra links will help disguise your true intent from Google and they’ll also demonstrate the kind of neighbourhood your client should be associated with.
When I say you should be adding links to authority sites, I’m not talking about or I’m talking about authoritative in your industry, not to the internet.
For instance, if I was looking for authority sites in the automotive industry, I would include links to car manufacturers & popular car blogs.
The whole idea is to disguise your link & give it authenticity, so we’re surrounding it with industry heavyweights. You could even add links to other relevant industry websites that aren’t in direct competition with you.
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